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Who is Frank Hoogerbeets? How Did He Predict The Earthquake In Turkey and Syria?

Frank Hoogerbeets was the first to predict the deadly earthquake and it finally took place just 3 days after the prediction. On 6th February, Monday a devastating 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit Turkey and Syria killing over 4,000 people as per the latest updates and the death toll is still growing. Later several more strong aftershocks completely destroyed the place. Numerous people are fighting for life and the authorities are struggling to manage all the rescue and release operations.

But Frank Hoogerbeets did warn about the future of the countries and still no precautions were in place. People are now trying to find out more about Frank Hoogerbeets and what he has updated that went so viral. He did inform us about the upcoming event of the earthquake through a tweet. However, ignorance led to countries paying a huge price. The catastrophe has now threatened the lives and livelihood of millions of people. So, here is all about Frank Hoogerbeets and how he predicted the future of Turkey and Syria.

Who is Frank Hoogerbeets? How Did He Predict The Earthquake In Turkey and Syria?

Who Is Frank Hoogerbeets? The Tweet About Turkey’s Earthquake Prediction

Dutch Researcher Frank Hoogerbeets predicted the massive earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria on 3rd February, three days before the incident took place. He tweeted the following to keep the authorities alarmed about the destruction. The tweet read, “Sooner or later there will be a ~M 7.5 #earthquake in this region (South-Central Turkey, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon). #deprem”.

The now popular researcher, Frank Hoogerbeets works at Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS). It was a shocking moment for the netizens since the precision of his prediction was undeniable. He was also sure about the aftershocks which are common after a major earthquake.

Besides, the Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS) website updated on 2nd February that a larger seismic activity is about to happen anytime between the 4th to 6th of February. The site also specified that the magnitude will be mid or high.

After the earthquake, the prediction is now viral and Frank Hoogerbeets further updated a tweet to report the same.

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The tweet read, “As I stated earlier, sooner or later this would happen in this region, similar to the years 115 and 526. These earthquakes are always preceded by critical planetary geometry, as we had on 4-5 Feb.”

As a matter of fact, it has already got 3.2 million views from the time he posted in the morning. However, Frank Hoogerbeets wasn’t the only expert who was right. Back in December, another earthquake expert gave his prediction about the earthquake in the Marmara region. This region is around 1,248 kilometres from Gaziantep which is pretty close to where Monday’s epicentre was. So, warnings were all over the place and so much fatal loss and havoc could have been avoided if necessary actions were taken.

Can Earthquakes Be Predicted?

Frank Hoogerbeets is trying to answer the questions about predicting an earthquake as more queries are coming his way. The main query was whether the planets and the Moon influence or trigger earthquakes. Frank clarified that there hasn’t been much research which he cannot disapprove but it can be termed as an assumption if you want it to. Thus, he is not completely defying the link between certain celestial bodies and seismic activity.

Can Earthquakes Be Predicted

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He further added that there is definitely no scientific basis for the upcoming earthquake predictions. However, it is always smart to stay prepared. Frank Hoogerbeets said that the chances of earthquakes are higher at places where there are active faults. But the forecasts can be wrong just like the random tests.

The first of Monday’s earthquakes was at 4.17 am in an area near Gaziantep. It was the home to approx two million people. Around 5,606 structures having residents instantly became rubble in a matter of seconds. Later Syria also reported about the destruction and the archaeological site Aleppo also faced serious damages. Furthermore, numerous locations in Cyprus and Egypt felt the tremors. After a few hours, a 7.5 magnitude earthquake happened in southeast Turkey.

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The condition is worsening and the rescue team is trying hard. If only the tweets of Frank Hoogerbeets and SSGEOS got so much attention in the initial period seriously, this wouldn’t have been the fate of the countries. Our prayers are with the families and victims. We hope the countries recover soon!

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